Key Lob

Certified Tennis and
 Platform Tennis Instruction

Thanks for the best summer yet-the 9th year 

2016 Sewickley Area Junior Tennis Team
Coach: Christi Hays

Team members:

(37 returning players/ 22 new members)

Olivia Albert, Zach Albert, Nick Allan, Gianna Babusci, Lauren Barnes, 

Chloe Becotte-McMullen, Nathan Blackmer, Ellie Boyd, Jack Bresch,

Will Campbell, Megan Campbell, Nate Carver, Nathan Cupit, Bruce David,

Rose Fishter, Zoe Fishter, Klara Friday, Sasha Friday, Bennett Haas,

Justin Hajdukiewicz, Shane Hale, Ilijana Hasak, Brody Jones,

Georgia Kriebel, Rowan Kriebel, Tiyani Li, Cindy Li, Michael Lipton,

Ben Liss, Matt Liss, Emma Liss, George Longstaff, Marco Longstaff,

Allie Mangan, Alex McDonald, Molly McDonald, Josh McFadden,

Abby McGinley, Anna McSweeney, Grace Merriman, Potter Oliver,

Thomas Pangburn, Martha Pangburn, Martha Pangburn, Jack Peduzzi,

Lucas Ratkovich, Paul Ratkovich, Lauren Retzlaff, Taylor Retzlaff,

Abby Sanders, Gabi Schultz, Sydney Schultz, Michael Snyder,

Brandon Thompson, Peter Walsh, Eric Weicht, Sam Weiner,

Nina Wiggins, Griffin Wirth


* 59 players
* 20 Matches all over Pittsburgh and Butler
 *Lots of jokes and laughing
* Lots of ice cream stops- "It's a tradition"

* "What's the limit?"

* Listening to the Farm station on the radio
* Lots of tennis

* 2nd place in the Pittsburgh Jr. Tennis League
 * New friendships, new skills, new fun!   

Many thanks to our assistants:
Nate Carver, Matt Stock, Connor Hamilton,

Andrew Parda and Annie Taylor

See you next summer for our 10th Year!