Key Lob

Certified Tennis and
 Platform Tennis Instruction

Spring 2018
QV Middle School Tennis Club Members

Dom Anderson, Loren Barnes, Layna Barrow,

Megan Campbell, Amanda Chau, Brahm Gianiodis, Jasper Gray, 

Serena Hutchens, Annica Kagle, Grace Kerotine, Meera Kumar,

William Meagher, Lucas Moraca, Ryan Moraca, Lakshmi Mulgrund,

Kate Patterson, Jack Peduzzi, Max Peluso, Lucas Ratkovich,

Paul Ratkovich, Ava Savage, Koll Severson, Aurik Severson,

Rose Shaner, Ilan Sherman, Michael Snyder,

Jackson Waldo, Naomi Wigley

* 28 players
* 3 Matches with SA, ACC and Butler Area
 *Lots of jokes and laughing
Game/Prize Day

* Remember "The medium at King Cone is HUGE"

*Champs & Chumps Bump, Countries

*Sole Survivor, Bobsled, Around the World
* Lots of tennis
 * New friendships, new skills, new fun!   

Many thanks to our assistants:
Coach Annette Knott, Anna McSweeney, Miranda Clark

See you in the Fall for another great
QV Middle School Tennis Club season! 
Have a fun and safe summer!